Pinafore-v4-posterToday on, in anticipation of this weekends’ collaboration with the Auburn Chamber Orchestra, we are highlighting five high school students who are members of that group. It takes a whole community to create an opportunity like this one, where young music students get to play in an orchestra of all ages, sharing the stage with musicians of all ages and experience levels.

We want to express our gratitude to everyone who made this endeavor possible. The Auburn Enlarged School District has an important elementary music program that begins students playing instruments, the students continue to play together through middle school and high school, and we hope they continue to play their whole lives. Thank you to First Presbyterian Church and Cayuga Community College, which allow our community arts organizations to rehearse in their space as well as Auburn High School, where we will perform. We have a wonderful, supportive community.

The HMS Pinafore in concert will be presented Friday, March 3rd at 7:30 PM and Sunday, March 5th at 2:00 PM. $10 donations appreciated at the concert. Check back at as we continue to highlight some of our very talented cast and our upcoming partnership with the Auburn Chamber Orchestra.

DSC_0002Chris Holmes has played cello with ACO for the past 5 years and is a Senior in High School.  Chris believes that playing with the ACO has provided the ability to play more difficult repertoire with more advanced musicians.  Chris believes the skills that he has obtained through playing in ACO will provide him with the abilities needed to continue his path in life.  Life-long skills learned by participating in musical ensembles include cooperation, commitment, planning, and communication skills.


DSC_0001Lydia Marteney is a senior violinist at Auburn High School. She has been playing with ACO for four years and enjoys being a part of such a great community organization. Lydia also participates in musical theater. Recently, she performed in Auburn High School Musical Club’s production of “Barnum the Musical” as a member of the cast. Lydia is excited to be playing in HMS Pinafore because her grandfather was an avid Gilbert and Sullivan fan, and her mother, Susan Marteney, is singing in the chorus.

DSC_0008Sheelan Mirza started playing violin at age 4.  She joined ACO in the Spring of 2011 and has played every cycle since then.  She is a senior at AHS and hopes to join an orchestra or chamber ensemble at college where she wants to major in Biology/Pre-Med.




DSC_0063Liam Sanders has played violin with ACO for about a year and is a 9th grader at Auburn High school.  ACO experience has given him exposure to a higher level of music and has inspired him to be in a community surrounded by amazing musicians who come together once a week and create magic!




DSC_0010Macy Hoffman plays the cello with the ACO.   She also plays piano and takes voice lessons.  She is a seventh grader and her first concert with ACO was the Christmas concert in 2014.  Macy expects that playing with a group will help her musical skills since she would like to go on to play with groups in college.  She finds ACO fun!